OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute)
Carpool Message Board

Search for a carpool partner

If you would like to carpool to campus, start by searching for a carpool partner. Once you find a match, contact your party with either the phone number or e-mail address listed.

Post a carpool message

Need to find a carpool partner, but didn't find an exact match? Post your information to allow others to find you.

Edit your information

Update or make a change to your information (schedule, phone number, address, etc).

Delete your information

Remove yourself from the OLLI Carpool Board.

Other resources

If you do not find a carpool partner on this board, try OCTA's Ridematch service.

The University provides this service as a means to contact and meet others who may have similar transportation needs. You are ultimately responsible for your safety. The University cannot and does not ensure the lawful behavior of the people who use this service. You take full responsibility for ensuring your personal safety. However, by taking some common sense precautions you can find a ride, make new friends, do something good for the environment and reduce your transportation costs.