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Alternative Transportation Committee

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The Alternative Transportation Committee (ATC) is charged to review and advise on proposals put forth by CSUF Parking & Transportation Services to ensure equitable access to educational and vocational opportunities at CSUF via pedestrian, bicycling, transit, ridesharing, and other commute modes.

About The ATC

Per  CSU policy, The ATC advises Parking and Transportation Services regarding the development of CSUF’s transportation programs and facilities. The ATC will review and advise on transportation proposals that improve air quality, equity of campus access, thoughtful use of land, and fiduciary obligations.

The ATC analyze and evaluate the campus' existing transportation programs and challenges and recommendes plans and strategies to increase equitable access and cost-effective transportation options.


The CSUF Alternative Transportation Committee (ATC) Members shall:

  1. Steward our physical and financial resources in order to fulfill the University’s mission and support student success
  2. Reflect a fair and neutral process that respects the needs of students, faculty, staff, and visitors served by Parking and Transportation Services
  3. Be sensitive to and consider effects on the quality of life in the neighboring off-campus community
  4. Support environmentally and fiscally responsible approaches to parking and transportation
  5. Provide reports on the campus’ transportation needs and recommendations to improve bicycle, pedestrian, and transit commute mode share
  6. Advise on the effectiveness TDM strategies through cost/benefit analysis and utilization of all transportation modes
  7. Review TDM strategies the campus should invest in and assist with seeking funding for those strategies
  8. Advise on the need for the construction of new parking assets or renovation of existing parking assets

Composition & Meetings

The ATC is comprised of students, staff, faculty, and subject matter experts. Recommendations for membership from campus constituencies should consider the backgrounds of the persons selected to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion. Members must be representative of individuals who primarily use public transit, active transportation, or ridesharing.

Meetings shall be held at least once per academic semester. Additional meetings may be called as needed by the Committee Chairperson. Membership includes:

  1. Two (2) students; recommended by the President, and/or Associated Students, Inc.; 1-year term
  2. Two (2) faculty representatives; 2-year term
  3. Two (2) staff representatives; 2-year term
  4. Transportation Demand Manager; Chairperson; Ex Officio, non-voting member; indefinite term
  5. Parking Director; Ex Officio, non-voting member; indefinite term
  6. Sustainability Coordinator; Ex Officio, non-voting member; indefinite term
  7. CSU Chancellor's Office, non-voting member; indefinite term

Should the University be unable to fill any of the positions listed above, the committee shall record efforts the taken by the University to fill them

ATC Roster 

  • Carla Robles, ASI Governance Ambassador
  • Tori Purcell, ASI Governance Ambassador
  • Dr. Mojgan Sami, CSUF Faculty, Assistant Professor of Public Health
  • Dr. Deepak Sharma, CSUF Faculty, Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • John Spencer, CSUF Staff
  • Elaine Dixon, CSUF Staff
  • Elissa Thomas, Ex Officio Non-Voting Member, CSUF Transportation Demand Manager
  • Stephanie Del Rosario, Ex Officio Non-Voting Member, CSUF Sustainability Analyst
  • Hank Kaplan, Transportation Analyst, CSU Chancellor's Office

2024 - 2025 Academic Year ATC Schedule

  • Friday, September 13, 2024
  • Friday, November 8, 2024
  • Friday, February 7, 2025
  • Friday, April 11, 2025


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